Thursday, February 11, 2010

House to Home: Personalizing Your Overseas Living Space

Below is a blurb about a new (and FREE!) e-book titled House to Home: Personalizing Your Overseas Living Space. Reader, blogger, life coach and FS spouse Sarah Novak is offering this book at her blog, Inspired Overseas Living.

Are you tired of your overseas house not feeling like a home? Are you confused about where to start? This brand new, 22 page e-book will guide you through managing the transformation from start to finish. The e-book is a collaboration between myself, A Life Coach, and Mindy Jeppesen, a Professional Organizer and fellow expat.

This e-book is one part workbook, one part tips and tricks and one part action plan! In Part 1, you’ll look back on what you liked about past spaces, assess your current space and create a rich vision for what you want now. In Part 2 we’ll teach you the secrets to organizing your space successfully and creating a home that supports and re-energizes you. Once that learning is done, the only thing left to do is to get on with the implementation. Part 3 is all about getting into action and will take you through step-by-step regarding what you need to do to make your vision a reality.

As Foreign Service spouses ourselves, we have seen that creating a comfortable, energizing living space is one of the biggest factors that guarantees successful integration into a new country. Our hope is that this e-book will give you the structure and tools you need to transform each new space you inhabit!

To receive your free copy of From House to Home: Personalizing Your Overseas Living Space, please go to and enter your email address in the top of the right-hand column.

Sarah Novak, Global Lifestyle Designer

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