Friday, December 03, 2010

I Like To Talk

Yes, I know. And the sky is blue.

Seriously, I realized in class today that our first hour of class each day is probably my favorite.

Each of us comes in with our uudis, or news. Usually, it is something we have read about in the paper or online that we have written a few sentences about in Estonian. This, coupled with our warm up conversation, leads us to talk about some really interesting topics.

Today we talked some about Judaism and the different holidays and their relative importance to Jewish people. We also talked about the OSCE meeting in Kazakhstan and how the capital has been relocated to Astana from Almaty. And whether Kazakhstan is in Europe or not.

It is kind of fun to be able to have a conversation. Of course, we are still pretty limited in what we can say, but we finally have enough vocabulary to talk our way around the words we don't have. And doing it is a lot of fun.

But we all already knew I liked to talk, right?

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