Thursday, December 16, 2010

Best FSI Day Ever

Today was a great day at FSI.

I was in language training alone today because one of my classmates is sick and the other may or may not be having her baby.

While being alone in class is exhausting, today just felt great! I was able to work on stuff I needed, plus we talked a lot abut all kinds of things (like my complex family!) and used very little English.

I even commented that I felt like I did better teacher said I seemed calmer. Weird.

Anyway, then we had area studies...

Which was ALSO awesome!

We had the DCMs from the Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian embassies here in DC come talk to us. It was great to listen to people with real, current experience in the countries we are heading to. It was interesting and useful. Which area studies unfortunately almost never is.

Of course, some people might also say today's snow would add to the awesomeness of the day...I am not one of them. My teacher said "Yay!" and I said "Ei" (Estonian for no, and it rhymes with yay). I think poor Ben was pretty cold too, though at least he is in the spirit with his Santa hat.

1 comment:

Becky said...

So glad language is going so well for you.