Friday, June 10, 2011

Chink in the Armor

Today I got another chink in my armor of "anonymity".

I was coming out of class for one of our breaks when someone said, "Are you going to Estonia?"

Yes, I answered.

"I think I know who you are."


"I'll just say my mom loves you and leave it at that."

Now I'm wondering, who is her mom? An FSO? A friend from my life before the FS?

I told her she couldn't just say that and walk away...I'd have spent weeks trying to figure that out, and no doubt a bit of my old INR paranoia would have crept in.

Turns out she was fellow FS blogger Caitlin at Tabbies In Tow. I love meeting fellow bloggers, and I really like hers.

I also told her to tell her mom I said thanks!


Unknown said...


She is my classmate and friend. = )

Tabbies in Tow said...

It was nice to finally meet you, too! My mom will be so proud and the Tabbies say "hey" back.