Tuesday, May 17, 2011

It Gets Better

And I don't mean in the way they mean it at It Get's Better, the fabulous project aimed at saving the lives of teens who are being bullied.

I mean it sarcastically.

As in, today, I got the date for my final language test.

And what was the ONLY date of my final week that I said absolutely no to?

Right, Tuesday, the day after a three-day weekend.

Guess what day they assigned me?

You guessed Tuesday, didn't you?

You'd be right.

So I went and spoke to my instructor, and we decided that it would be better to ask for Friday before the weekend.

So I did.

Nope, can't have that either. How about Thursday?

So now I am scheduled for Thursday, a FULL WEEK before my training is done.

Let me just tell you that if all this crap causes me to get less than a 3/3, I will NOT ask for a language waiver. Nope, FSI is going to have to extend me (and I think the minimum is six weeks from the test) so I can get the 3/3.

Because all that means for me is that I get my language incentive pay and I get six extra weeks with my wife.


1 comment:

DiploDad said...

Every cloud has a silver lining I suppose. Good luck!