There were times this week when I wasn't sure I was going to survive it.
There were 31 Fulbright interviews over the course of two days.
There was the prep for the arrival of our new Ambassador.
And there were approximately a bazillion meetings, many to do with the item above.
Oh yeah, and I had to write an EER (that is State Department speak for an evaluation...I wanted it to be really good because really want to get my APAO tenured, which is State Department speak for job security and no more overtime) AND some brief remarks that also needed to be really good.
We didn't manage to get out of the office yesterday until 6:30, which was cutting it a bit close for our 7 pm dinner reservations.
And I didn't want to cancel the reservation, because yesterday was our anniversary. We have been married ten years.
Ten years.
We've been together for nearly 13, and we were legally married in Massachusetts on our 10th anniversary together.
But yesterday was our real anniversary, the one from our church wedding in North Carolina. The one where we promised before God that we would forever treasure the gift we had been given. Where our church community promised before God to support our marriage.
Ten years.
Seems like nothing. And everything. I hope we get at least 50 more.
DOGE Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
1 week ago
Happy Anniversary! All the best in the years to come!
Happy anniversary!!
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