Saturday, January 16, 2010

Our Local Staff Need Help Too

This Department notice came out yesterday. As you can imagine, the local staff suffered alongside all their fellow Haitians in this disaster. No doubt, maybe will be homeless. I have not heard if any FSNS or their family were killed in the earthquake, but if not, we were incredibly lucky. But their need will be extreme, and I hope you will consider directing some of your generousity to them.

Foreign Service National (FSN) Relief Fund Replenishment


Ref: STATE 00003587


1. This notice provides guidance to all Americans and Locally Employed (LE) Staff for making donations to the Foreign Service National (FSN) Emergency Relief Fund (see paras 4-10). As a result of the devastating earthquake that struck on January 12, our LE colleagues are in urgent need of your financial support. End Summary.


2. While we are unable to anticipate the number of requests, we expect it to be overwhelming and the Relief Fund needs to be prepared to provide immediate assistance. By making a public-spirited gift, you will aid the Department in this effort as well as replenish the Fund as a continuing source of LE Staff assistance. In the past month we disbursed more than $90,000 to employees in Manila, Antananarivo, and Ouagadougou and now we need your support for current disaster assistance. Contributions to the Fund can be made by check, credit card, or through payroll deductions. All contributions to the Fund are tax-deductible and can be made by all elements of the public and private sector.

3. The Department of State established the Relief Fund to respond to crisis or humanitarian requests on behalf of Foreign Service National employees serving all agencies of the United States Government. Please follow the detailed process below to make your donation.

How To Donate:

4. Check Contributions: Please send checks to the Department's Gift Fund Coordinator, Donna Bordley, Department of State, 2201 C Street NW, RM/CFO, Rm. 7427, Washington, DC 20520. Make checks payable to the U.S. Department of State, designation for the FSN Emergency Relief Fund. Please include a return address where a letter of acknowledgment for your charitable tax deduction purposes may be sent.

5. Credit Card Contributions: On Visa or MasterCard accounts only, send an e-mail message to "FSN Emergency Relief Fund" on the GAL. Include your name, mailing address, VISA/MasterCard account number and expiration date. Also include the following statement in the e-mail: "Contribution to the FSN Emergency Relief Fund". "I authorize the Department of State to charge the referenced credit card account in the amount of U.S. "$XX" as a contribution to the FSN Emergency Relief Fund." You will be provided with a response e-mail that can be used for your tax purposes.

6. Payroll Deductions (American employees): Department of State and overseas American employees of other federal agencies on payroll by the Department of State may also make voluntary contributions to the FSN Emergency Relief Fund by payroll deduction. You may request a one time or recurring deduction from your net pay by contacting the Payroll Customer Support Center (PCSC) at (found in the Global Address Listing under “Payroll Customer Support”). You may speak with a Payroll Customer Support Center representative by dialing 1-800-521-2553 or 1-877-865-0760. Faxed requests should be sent to 1-843-308-5625 and must include your signature.

Your request for voluntary payroll deduction should include your name, address, social security number and date of birth along with the following statement:

I intend to make a gift in the amount of $XX as a contribution to the FSN Emergency Relief Fund. I request the Department of State to deduct from each of my biweekly salary payment (s) $XX for XX pay periods, until the total gift amount has been deducted. If the contribution is a one-time deduction, indicate “1” pay period in your request so it is clear that it is a one-time deduction.


1 comment:

Matt Keene said...

Last I read, we've heard from 18 out of 300 employees. Not good.