Found this little gem in a piece in Congressional Quarterly by Adam Graham-Silverman
GOP’s New Face For Foreign Operations Funding Seeks a Sleeker System
Her selection [Republican Kay Granger was selected to lead the GOP on the State-Foreign Operations Subcommittee for the 111th Congress] is “not something we’re entirely thrilled about, especially at this time,” said Tom McClusky, vice president of government affairs at the Family Research Council, referring to President Obama’s Jan. 23 move overturning the “Mexico City” policy. That policy prohibited funding of groups that perform or promote abortion overseas.
Since Obama’s action on Mexico City may have removed the abortion issue from the bill, McClusky said he hoped Republicans would defend against attempts to add some same-sex partner benefits for foreign service officers. Human rights groups are seeking benefits specific to overseas postings, such as travel reimbursement and access to health care, which spouses get.
So basically, since they lost on abortion, they have to turn to their tried and true whipping boy, the LGBT community? But let's specifically home in on those of us serving our country? Seriously?
DOGE Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
5 days ago
Someone should point out to them that the gays have very few abortions!
We have few unplanned pregnancies full stop!
There is an optimistic way of looking at this. At least the issue is now on peoples' radars. The movement at State is obviously drawing attention, which will inevitably lead to debate and eventual change.
There is an optimistic way of looking at this. At least the issue is now on peoples' radars. The movement at State is obviously drawing attention, which will inevitably lead to debate and eventual change.
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